I'm a faculty member. I want to know more about Complete Anatomy and how I can get access.


Complete Anatomy is an interactive anatomy learning app which provides 3D human anatomy models, medical images, videos, course modules, and quizzes. This resource requires the creation of an account on the app, which works separate from the Creighton authentication system. Creighton faculty may create an account at any time, but in order to have full access to Complete Anatomy via Creighton University, you must enter a unique authentication code.

Creighton University purchases a limited number of activation codes for students to this resource annually. Faculty licenses are unlimited and have additional features, including the ability to create classes, videos, quizzes, and share content with students. To request a faculty activation code for Complete Anatomy, please follow the steps below.


  • Fill out the Library's Troubleshooting form.
  • Upon submission, library staff will contact you directly with the activation code and instructions on how to enter it. This information and activation code are NOT to be shared with anyone else.
  • The activation code is good until August 1 when all accounts for Creighton are reset.  Continued access to Complete Anatomy after August 1 will require users to request a new code in order to renew their full access to the resource.

Tutorials and FAQs for Complete Anatomy can be found here if you are interested in learning more about the resource and its features.

  • Last Updated Sep 06, 2024
  • Views 22
  • Answered By Rachel Wallenbeck, MLIS

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