I am having trouble accessing library resources online. Are there any tips for troubleshooting before I ask for help?


If you are having trouble accessing library resources, below are some steps that you can try before contacting the library Troubleshooting team using the form on the guide.

  1. Many resources have custom links to allow you to sign in through the Creighton University network. Please make sure you are using the proper link for the resource from JaySearch or the A-Z Databases page.
  2. Try clearing your browser history, cookies, and cache. Then, try accessing the resource again.
  3. If one browser does not work, please try another. Google Chrome typically works the best with most of our library resources.

Once you have tried all of the above steps and you are still having trouble, please submit a troubleshooting ticket on the Troubleshooting guide linked above. Please indicate that you have tried all of the troubleshooting tips outlined above when submitting your ticket.

  • Last Updated Jun 06, 2023
  • Views 100
  • Answered By Rachel Wallenbeck, MLIS

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